On the Life - Left Brain Right Brain Test
Left Brain Right Brain
Are you a logical, emotional, do? Are you a realistic, romantic? Here is a fun way which part of your brain that you are using mainly, because of the chance to learn the way of thinking and behavior.
Do not say what her use; you look at why "this" that you are, why certain things "so" you know you're doing better, yourself, your mother, your father, your spouse, your child easier to evaluate the correct hobbies, selects the right jobs, happier, more successful than you are ...Nothing if not, is openly also a good excuse. "I'm right beyinliyim, is in my nature to take risks" or "should of course make sense, wait for it ... every left-brained" as ...
Let's try two minutes, take a ball in the ball ... ....
All will, following the women dance clockwise or counter-clockwise devolved?
Rotating Male
If you're seeing rotates clockwise, the right side of your brain more, see the counter-clockwise turning, the more you're using the left side.
Is it possible that you see in both directions has returned, it can be said that you are somewhere in the middle. (I am, for example, more serious tests in almost 50% rate over using the left brain, right brain, is 50%.)Do not be afraid, this is a good thing ... well ... This is already the result of each test, so nothing to lose, as you will see below, taking each other in every way artılarla cons; important thing is the way of thinking, living biçiminizle and your business to be in harmony.
Look how to use more left-brain "features gösteriyorlarmış ...
Left Brain Functions:
SayılarÇözümsel way of thinkingLogic usesDetail orientedDirection of the real data, drawsYour use and language skillsPresent and PastMathematics and ScienceEasily comprehend the meaning ofApprovals, gives you the rightLayout and detect patternsDirectives applyBetter use of time and organizational skillsKnows the names of the objectsReality is based onThe strategy createsPracticalWary
Now let's look at users of right-brain "...
Right Brain Functions:
Scores creative way of thinkingUses your feelings (you can read and can express emotions)Focused on big pictureUnderstand the metaphorical meaningsDraws the direction of imagination"What if" t, "was suppose" to think yuBrainstorming doesSymbols and imagesThe present and future timeReligion and PhilosophyMeaning of easy catchesBelieveAppreciation isThree-dimensional (spatial) perceptionKnows the functions of the objectsBased on a dreamReveals the possibilitiesTezcanlı / acelecidirRisk is
"Brain Dominanee Technology" is considered the father of Ned Herrmann, describes the situation as the people's choice of a dominant frame of mind. Easier for short-term awards has delivered strong yanlarımızı we use, we have developed and use it also, but when working on developing the weak yanlarımızın "whole brain thinking" we can reach the structure, he says.
Maybe we get, maybe, but not reach every one of us to reach defolarımızla, our unique qualities, thoughts biçimimizle, "ourselves" we subtract enjoy being.
If you want a little more fun, let's look at say the following article in the order you see colors. Are you reading, do you see?
Black Blue GreenWhite Green RedGreen Orange YellowYellow Pink MaroonRed Yellow White
The color tells the right brain, left brain reads the color. What you have done?